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Here in 'District Heights', we have a diverse tapestry of residents. Some have roots that run deep, their knowledge steeped in the rich history of our town. Others are students, dedicated to keeping us updated on school activities, while many are committed to sharing the ebb and flow of daily life.
What's more, from a civic and political perspective, there are countless opportunities for you to join in. Many in our community offer updates on policies and decisions, offering their unique insights. This platform is where all these local perspectives meld together, creating a better place for everyone to live, regardless of your age or how long you've been a part of 'District Heights'.
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District Heights, MD - History
We would like to provide the residents of District Heights a basic history overview.
Welcome to the District Heights Home page. The District Heights Home page provides as much information as possible on District Heights. Knowing District Heights’s history is essential to guiding its future. Within District Heights’s Home page, you will also find District Heights’s Founders, Holiday, and Birthday sections.
District Heights has a population of 5996. 41% of District Heights’s inhabitants are Male, and 59 are female. 20.6% of District Heights is married and 63.8% own their own home. The Average Home price is $266,991, and the average rent is $1,212. Household median income in District Heights is $66,758, and the individual median income is $27,147. District Heights’s Ethnic is the following: Black(91.6%), Hispanic(5.8%), Other(4.4%), Multiple(1.8%), White(1.7%), Asian(0.3%), Pacific(0.1%).
District Heights was originally farmland owned by Major Leander P. Williams, purchased as four patented Lord Baltimore tracts known as: "Good Luck," "Magruder's Plains Enlarged," "the Levels," and "Offutt's Adventure." Under grants issued to Lord Baltimore by King Charles I of Great Britain, the tracts belonged to Colonel Ninian Beall, Benjamin Berry, and Alexander Magruder.
District Heights evolved from one of the four patents. In 1925, 505-acres of the Williams farm was purchased and formed into the District Heights Company by Joseph Tepper, David L. Blanken, Henry Oxenberg, Gilbert Leventhal, Simon Gordon, and Simon Gerber. The land was farmed by Walter and Al Dustin, whose farmhouse stood at 7116 Foster Street.
By 1925, streets laid out first three blocks of Halleck Street and Aztec. By 1926, the city had approximately 25 homes built, two businesses, a grocery store and filling station, a pump house and water tower to furnish the water and pressure for the City, a sewage system and a free Model T bus service to 17th and Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E.
The Town of District Heights was incorporated in 1936 and recognized by act of the Maryland General Assembly. Many of the Cape Cod style houses seen today date to the 1940s, when several developers constructed affordable, single-family, houses with financing from the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), anticipating sales to federal employees and veterans returning from World War II.
In 1946, the remaining and undeveloped 300-acres was bought and developed by New York City builder Samuel R. Rosoff, who established Washington Estates, Inc., thus adding additional tracts to District Heights which include areas now occupied by garden apartments.
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The District Heights, MD founder's page is dedicated to those people in the District Heights, MD area that initially made the District Heights, MD WikiXM news a reality. Without their initiative, foresight and social fortitude the District Heights, MD WikiXM news would not have happened.
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The District Heights, MD founder's page is dedicated to those people in the District Heights, MD area that initially made the District Heights, MD WikiXM news a reality. Without their initiative, foresight and social fortitude the District Heights, MD WikiXM news would not have happened.
Meteorologist Ava Marie says it's an Impact Weather day due to the Wind Advisory for most of Maryland. ... Read more
Meteorologist Ava Marie says it will be warm but windy for Wednesday as a High Wind Advisory is in place for Maryland.... Read more
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